Sunday, July 6, 2014

Jennifer Aniston Plastic Surgery – Glowing Skin After All These Years

Jennifer Aniston Plastic Surgery – Her Smooth Skin Despite The Age Gave Her Away And Admitted Plastic Surgery on TV

Jennifer Aniston Plastic Surgery before and after
Jennifer Aniston Plastic Surgery before and after

When she appeared on TV, Jennifer Aniston plastic surgery was revealed.  It took a compliment from the host for Ms. Aniston to confess that it was due to laser skin peeling.  Well, it was a revelation minus the sensation.  People suspected it beforehand that she did some jobs on her face particularly on the nose.  When you look at her old pictures that she had a nose similar to that of Barbara Streisand and when you compare it with her current photos, you will notice that it has become slimmer and less pronounced.  Aside from her nose, she was also rumoured to have breast augmentation and God knows when she will admit this one.  It took years for her to admit about skin peeling and yet to confirm the nose job.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Jada Pinkett Plastic Surgery – Plastic Surgery or Computer Technology

Jada Pinkett Plastic Surgery – Her Many Looks Created Suspicions That She Had Too Many Alterations On Her Face But Photoshop May Take The Credit

Jada Pinkett Plastic Surgery before and after
Jada Pinkett Plastic Surgery before and after
Jada Pinkett plastic surgery was never an issue and it did not happen.  That is why you can and never will at the moment see her name in several lists of plastic surgeries that went bad or nightmare surgeries.  As mentioned in several articles there are several ways to treat signs of aging.  And, Jada was very clever that she demanded that her images should be Photoshop (just a thought.)  People really suspected that she did too many plastic surgeries if we are to based it on pictures posted online.  She exuded different kind of looks.  But, if you look closely, you will see no differences, not even minor ones.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Helen Hunt Plastic Surgery – A Case of Needing One When You Need It Most

Helen Hunt Plastic Surgery – Did She Believe That She Is Still Beautiful Without The Help Of Plastic Surgery?

Helen Hunt Plastic Surgery before and after
Helen Hunt Plastic Surgery before and after

Helen Hunt plastic surgery has not happened.  The actress, who starred in Twister and won an Oscar Best Actress Trophy for As Good As It Gets, firmly put her fingers down when it comes to performing several recommend plastic surgeries on her face and body as well.  She said NO to it.  But, some of her fans did not like her decision.  It is indeed a welcome relief that some people that there are still celebrities who chose to go natural.  However, when you look closely on current photos of the actress, you can only shake with disbelief that she is not aging well.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Demi Moore Plastic Surgery – Limited Plastic Surgery

Demi Moore Plastic Surgery — How a 49-year old lady changed her breast size?

Demi Moore Plastic Surgery before and after
Demi Moore Plastic Surgery before and after

Demi Guynes Kutcher is an actress, film director, songwriter, model and film producer from America. At the age of 16, she dropped out her school life, posing the nude pictorial from the Oui magazine. The commercial and critical hit was the About Last Night, proving her success as the Hollywood star.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vanna White Plastic Surgery – Smart Way to Manage Plastic Surgeries

Vanna White Plastic Surgery— Nearly 57 years old

Vanna White Plastic Surgery before and after
Vanna White Plastic Surgery before and after

Born in 1957, the Vanna White is a famous actress in television and film. Many people are aware of her from the film of Wheel of Fortune in 1982. Up to now, Vanna White is nearly 57 years old. However, her face and body are similar to the pictures at Wheel of Fortune. Therefore, it seems that Vanna has an attempt to keep the youthful glow and remove the aging signs. Throughout the time, she proved that she can do it.